05. How Do People Connect?
Due to the fact that different people prefer different ways of connecting, we have tried to accommodate everyone’s preferences.
Group Connections take place via List Serve, Chat Rooms and Forums.
Individual Connections take place via the Dating Service part of the website. See the FAQ’s there for more details.
List Serve
My preferred method of meeting and making friends is by email, so I use our List Serve more than the other methods. If you are not familiar with what a List Serve is, please click here and read about it.
We discuss everything from the weather, the latest news, what it’s like to be LGBTIQ and Christian, how to deal with family and friends who may or may not accept and support us, or anything else you’d like to discuss.
We might talk about “coming out” or we could get into deep theological discussions, and we might also share pics of our pets, grandchildren, etc.
We strive to find, and express our authentic selves on the List Serve, in Chat and on the Forums.
If you are willing to share, this is where people get to know each other, our failures and our successes.
You can expect that people will support you and pray for you.
Chat Rooms
We have several men who prefer to Chat. They meet most evenings in the *Main Chat Room. They love to welcome “newbies”, and they are very “female friendly”, so don’t be shy if there aren’t any women in the room when you go in. One of them will put out a call to try to get some women to join you.
We have other Chat Rooms such as HOT TOPICS, Prayer Chapel, rooms specifically for men, or for women, or for our trans family.
If you are a woman and interested in chatting, I’d love to start a special night for Women Only Chat, so please contact [email linktext=”me”]mary@ChristianGays.com?subject=About%20Women’s%20Chat[/email].
Other people prefer to post to Forums. General conversation takes place on the *Social Group* Forum, but we also have specialized Forums. You can find descriptions of our forums here, and once you are a member you will be able to choose the forums you wish to subscribe/unsubscribe to under the “My Stuff” link.
And if you’re looking for something that we don’t have, please email [email]mary@ChristianGays.com[/email] and we can discuss it.