A Website Dedicated To Gender Diversity
Can I Be A Gay AND Christian?
The short answer is “YES!”. You CAN!
Christian Gays offers new research into the Original Scriptures, and insights into the culture of the day in which they were written, giving us a new understanding that God loves you just the way God created you.
We have Educational Videos and condensed articles for those who don’t like reading but still need to know the answers, and we have extensive, authoritative, detailed articles and ebooks that deal with each scripture verse that has been used against us.
Most of the reading content will be found in the RESOURCES section. Look for Articles about Homosexuality and Christianity, Sex, Gender & Orientation, Educational Videos about being gay and Christian, Gay-Friendly Churches and Businesses, gay Christian books and music, gay friendly living accommodations, travel destinations and much more.
As a member you may join our email List Serve and ask us your questions, meet other Christian (and non-Christian) gender diverse folk in our safe CHAT Rooms and Dating Service/Friend Finder.
This is the NEW Christian Gays website, a rebuild of our old site that was started in 2000. The name of the site is “Christian Gays” simply because of my lack of knowledge when I created the site, of all the other non-binary people that God has created to enhance our existence. If you read “gay” please know that it is inclusive of all gender diverse people.
In the same way, when you read “Christian”, think “inclusive”, not exclusive. We welcome people of all faiths, or no faith.
You will find e-books, information about LGBT Housing and Communities, Travel and Holidays, resources for Youth, Seniors, Parents of LGBTIQ Children, Music, Same-Sex Marriage information, Equality updates, History and Herstory, Movies with GLBT themes, and much more.
We have whole section devoted especially for our TRANS Family with Teaching Videos, Miscellaneous Trans Videos, News Articles, Faith Support, Trans Books, Movies, Music, etc.
The INTERSEX/NON-BINARY part of the website consists mainly of Videos but also has Articles, Music and Resource Links.
On the BLOGS section you will find a wide range of Articles written by our members.
If you are here to connect with others, we have lesbian and gay CHAT rooms and LGBTQ+ DATING & Friend Finder sections. Please watch the Video Tutorials or check the FAQ’s About This Website to get an understanding of how the website is laid out.
To connect with others in our safe GAY CHAT ROOMS and in our CHRISTIAN GAYS DATING site, or to place a Personal Ad, you will need a membership. To register for a membership you must know a current member who will vouch for you, or make a payment (minimum of $2) through Paypal.
The reason for this is because:
- A PayPal payment assures us that the member is who they say they are.
- It deters frauds and scammers from registering, making the site safer for all who use it.
- A paid subscription assures that our members are active and current – i.e. no old inactive profiles.
- The income generated helps to pay for our server, coders and software.
We ask that, if possible, you select the $5/mo membership level to help contribute to our expenses.
If you prefer not to pay $5/mo, we do have an option of $2/mo, and we also have Complimentary Memberships for anyone who would like one. The site is not about earning money, and nobody will be refused a membership, as long as we can verify that you are not a fraud or scammer.
For those who wish a Complimentary Membership please register for the $2/mo level. Please wait for at least a day for the membership to be fully registered, and then just cancel your PayPal subscription. Your membership will automatically become “inactive” but as soon as I see that your payment was cancelled, I will automatically convert you to Complimentary (FREE) and your membership will be active again, OR we can bypass the need for the PayPal registration completely if you know a current member who will vouch for you.
A Complimentary Membership entitles you to everything that a Paid Membership does.
If you decide to unsubscribe, either from receiving our emails or from the whole site, it is very easy to do. Instructions are in the Unsubscribe FAQ’s if you need them, or just Contact Mary and I’ll do it for you.
Christian Gays Accepts All
We are Christian-based and believe strongly in Christ’s acceptance and support of all, so it is not necessary to be Christian, or indeed of any faith, to be loved and accepted here. Our goal is to encourage people to accept their authentic selves, and to share that authenticity with others. Let us welcome you into the family.
Please Note: We don’t have very many members yet, but we have to start somewhere. Please register and help us build the community. This site, specifically created for LGBTIQ Christians, but embracing all people of all faiths, is going to grow but we need YOU to register, and stick with us until we get established.
For those seeking people within their geographical area, don’t be disappointed if you don’t find anyone today. Who knows who may join tomorrow? It could be that person God has planned for you to meet. Make sure to fill in your profile, and perhaps the next person to join may contact YOU.
Christian Standards apply to all usernames, email addresses, profiles, and conversations.
Please read FAQ’s About This Website or contact Mary if you have questions that are not addressed in the FAQ’s.
Join 702 gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgender Christians and people of all faiths.
Read more about the Christian Gays website.